Thursday, April 25, 2013

Bag ban notices at H-E-B

This is another example of the the notices going up around stores in Austin notifying customers of the single-use bag ban.

The notice reads,

Have you heard? As of March 1, 2013 in accordance with City of Austin Ordinance No.20120301-078 business establishments may no longer provide single-use, carryout bags to their customers. Per the ordinance, customers may request single-use paper or plastic bags for an emergency access fee of $1 per transaction. Please remember your reusable bags every time you shop.

While some stores chose to develop their own thicker, heavier bags labeled as "reusable" under city code to give away to customers, H-E-B chose to charge $1 per transaction for their customers that forgot their reusable bags at home.

First trip to H-E-B, post-bag ban.

My cashier, who didn't want to share her name, said the bag ban makes her job a lot easier but that she's had to deal with a few annoyed customers today who didn't bring their own bags.

"They'll complain if I tell them they're going to either have to pay for a bag or carry their groceries out bagless," she said. "It's frustrating but I'm sure after the first months people will get used to it."

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The University Co-Op

The University Co-Op's main store on Guadalupe posted this sign in the parking garage by the store, containing the message which businesses are now required to share with their customers.

It reads:
Under City of Austin Code, the Co-Op can no longer offer single use carry out bags. 
The Co-Op is now providing heavy-weight plastic bags and/or paper bags that meet City of Austin standards for re-usable carry out bags. 
We encourage you to BRING YOUR OWN re-usable bags for future shopping trips.

CVS "reusable" bags

CVS's new, reusable bags don't seem very reusable. After buying frozen foods, there's no way I can use this paper bag again. It's soggy, so it's going in the trash.