Other Bag Bans in Texas

Brownsville, TX - Brownsville's bag bans went into effect in 2011. Brownsville is located on the Gulf of Mexico. As a coastal city on the border of Texas and Mexico, the city had a sizable littler problem. Banning plastic bags was the first step to eliminating that problem. Brownsville was the first city in Texas to successfully pass a bag ban.

South Padre Island, TX - South Padre Island's ban went into effect on January 1, 2012. South Padre Island is one of Texas' most popular tourism cities, so the City thought that a plastic bag ban would minimize clutter on the city's beaches.

McAllen, TX - Neither retailers nor the mayor of McAllen supported the single-use bag ban. The city is considering encouraging citizens to voluntarily bring their own reusable bags.

Corpus Christi, TX - The City has slowly been toying with the idea of a plastic bag ban for environmental relief efforts. However, the idea isn't working quite as planned. They're in the process of beginning an education campaign to teach people about the environmental and economic harm of plastic bags.

Victoria, TX - Several Victoria citizens and councilmembers have expressed interest into pursuing alternatives to using plastic bags, but support is not widespread enough to make the bag ban a reality. The city's alternative may be to promote recycling efforts and develop an education campaign similar to the one Corpus Christi is considering.

Dallas, TX - Dallas is working on a "Zero-Waste by 2040" campaign, but a plastic bag ban is not a viable option to make this happen. There have been conversations throughout the city but they were quickly shot down.

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